We are all too familiar with regular tragedies involving loss of human lives linked to the production and sale of illicit liquor. In addition to the loss of livelihoods, the loss of alcohol as a major source of a State's tax revenues negatively impacts its finances as well as the sustainability of welfare programs for the underprivileged of the State. Prohibition also restricts the harnessing of the full potential of tourism in India and the concerned States. It is imperative that makers of Public Policies draw lessons from the consequences of short-lived attempts to introduce Prohibition in a few States. Rather than making ad-hoc or opportunistic decisions for short-term gains, I fervently hope they take a holistic and pragmatic approach to formulate a well-balanced and sustainable policies.
India presents one of the most exciting opportunities in the world. The country is forging ahead as the fastest growing economy. What makes India particularly attractive is not just the economic growth, but what constitutes and drives it. An upwardly mobile aspirational middle- class and a vast number of consumers moving towards affluence is ensuring that the core consumption fundamentals remain robust, even as we increase our Company's efforts to curb irresponsible drinking as well as drink-driving, a core thrust of our Company's SR program.